Noticias del SAHARA OCCIDENTAL – 2/7/2024 – La Actualidad Saharaui


GUERRA DEL SAHARA | El ejército saharaui ataca posiciones de las fuerzas de ocupación en el sector de Mahbes | Sahara Press Service (SPS)

La Policía Saharaui participa en la V Reunión Anual de Jefes de Policías de AFRIPOL | Sahara Press Service (SPS)


Diplomacia Cultural: Embajada de Ghana en España promueve obra del escritor saharaui Bahia Mahmud Awah | Sahara Press Service (SPS)

Los zamoranos abren su casa y su corazón: efusivo recibimiento a los niños y niñas saharauis para vivir un verano inolvidable

116 menores saharauis llegan a la Comunitat Valenciana para «unas vacaciones de paz» – Valencia Plaza

Huelva recibe al centenar de niños y niñas saharauis que disfrutarán de unas ‘Vacaciones en Paz’

Transformando vidas de niños y niñas con diversidad funcional del Sahara en Bétera

Zaragoza recibe en el Ayuntamiento a los niños y niñas saharauis de Vacaciones en Paz. Noticia. Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza

Vacaciones en paz: Málaga activa el operativo para recibir cinco aviones con 700 niños saharauis | Actualidad | Cadena SER

Más de cien niños saharauis llegan a Zaragoza para un verano inolvidable con sus familias de acogida

CANTABRIA | Ya han llegado los 75 niños y niñas saharauis del programa Vacaciones en Paz – El Faradio | Periodismo que cuenta

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Noticias del SAHARA OCCIDENTAL – 1/7/2024 – La Actualidad Saharaui

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12 de Octubre: un hito que simboliza la adhesión de los saharauis a sus derechos frente a las ambiciones coloniales | Sahara Press Service

Chahid Al-Hafed, 12 de octubre de 2023 (SPS) Este jueves, 12 de octubre, se conmemora el 48o Aniversario de la Unidad Nacional, una fecha que definió la cohesión de un pueblo y constituyó los cimientos de una unión indestructible frente a la que se hicieron añicos todas las ambiciones coloniales, convirtiéndose en una barrera impenetrable a los intentos de vulnerar los derechos del pueblo saharaui.

En este día, todo el pueblo saharaui, esté donde esté, ya sea en los campamentos de refugiados, en la diáspora o en las zonas ocupadas, recuerda la efeméride del Día de la Unidad Nacional con todo orgullo y determinación de continuar su indetenible lucha por la libertad y la independencia, no importa el tiempo,  los sacrificios o el sufrimiento que ello pueda requerir.

Es un aniversario que representa una oportunidad para que los saharauis renueven su compromiso y recuerden esa histórica gesta, en la que todos los saharauis decidieron unirse bajo la bandera del Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguia Al-Hamra y Río de Oro (Frente POLISARIO), como su único y legítimo representante del pueblo saharaui.

Las actividades de celebración de este Cuadragésimo Octavo Aniversario del Día de la Unidad Nacional y el Décimo Tercero del Desmantelamiento del Campamento Gdeim Izik, Día Nacional de la Jaima, serán acogidos por la Wilaya de Auserd, con la presencia del Secretario General del Frente POLISARIO y Presidente de la República, Brahim Ghali, quien pronunciará un discurso por la ocasión en el que abordará los últimos acontecimientos relacionados con la causa, a nivel nacional, regional e internacional, en un momento caracterizado por al reanudación de la lucha armada. (SPS)

12 de Octubre: un hito que simboliza la adhesión de los saharauis a sus derechos frente a las ambiciones coloniales | Sahara Press Service

Moroccan authorities subject Sahrawi political prisoners to strict inspection — Sahara Press Service

Tiflet (Morocco), September 8, 2018 (SPS) – The local prison administration of Tiflet 2 on Wednesday raided and searched the cells of Sahrawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik group, Bashir Khada and Mohamed Lamine Heddi, in a provocative and humiliating manner, according to a Sahrawi human rights source. 34 palabras más

a través de Moroccan authorities subject Sahrawi political prisoners to strict inspection — Sahara Press Service

Permanent Bureau reiterates willingness to cooperate with UN for solution ensuring right of Saharawi self-determination | Sahara Press Service

Shaheed Al-Hafed, September 7, 2018 (SPS) – The Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front reiterated Thursday readiness of the Saharawi party to cooperate with the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy to reach a solution that guarantees the right of self-determination for the Saharawi people, as called for by the Security Council resolution of last April.

In a related context, the Bureau also expressed willingness to cooperate with the African Union mechanism to support the United Nations effort to find a solution to the conflict by completing the decolonization of the last colony in the African continent.

The Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front held a meeting on Thursday at the Presidency of the Republic, chaired by the President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, devoted to reviewing the latest developments of the national issue as well as preparations for social entry 2018-2019. (SPS)

a través de Permanent Bureau reiterates willingness to cooperate with UN for solution ensuring right of Saharawi self-determination | Sahara Press Service

Saharawi Embassy in Mexico gives lectures on current situation of Saharawi people struggle of the | Sahara Press Service

City of Mexico, September 04, 2018 (SPS) – The Saharawi Embassy in Mexico carried out different activities last week, including presentations of Saharawi-themed books and lectures on the current situation of the struggle of the Saharawi people, in particular the situation of human rights in the Occupied Territories of Western Sahara. .

In the first Book Fair Tláhuac 2018, the book presented: «Journey to the wisdom of the desert», by the writer Ahmed Mulay Ali Hamadi, Representative of the Saharawi Republic in the Aztec nation.

The work describes the way in which the Saharawi youth lived in times of colonialism.

In the XXXVII International Book Fair, organized by the National Polytechnic Institute, in Mexico City, the book “Los Maktubes del desierto” presented by the author Ahmed Mulay Ali Hamadi, The work of historical content describes how the Saharawis lived in times of colonialism, their traditions, idiosyncrasies and proverbs. SPS

City of Mexico, September 04, 2018 (SPS) – The Saharawi Embassy in Mexico carried out different activities last week, including presentations of Saharawi-themed books and lectures on the current situation of the struggle of the Saharawi people, in particular the situation of human rights in the Occupied Territories of Western Sahara. .

In the first Book Fair Tláhuac 2018, the book presented: «Journey to the wisdom of the desert», by the writer Ahmed Mulay Ali Hamadi, Representative of the Saharawi Republic in the Aztec nation.

The work describes the way in which the Saharawi youth lived in times of colonialism.

In the XXXVII International Book Fair, organized by the National Polytechnic Institute, in Mexico City, the book “Los Maktubes del desierto” presented by the author Ahmed Mulay Ali Hamadi, The work of historical content describes how the Saharawis lived in times of colonialism, their traditions, idiosyncrasies and proverbs. SPS

a través de Saharawi Embassy in Mexico gives lectures on current situation of Saharawi people struggle of the | Sahara Press Service

Moroccan institutions have no right to speak for Western Sahara people, says Sidati | Sahara Press Service

Brussels, September 3, 2018 (SPS) – Saharawi Deputy Minister for Europe Mohamed Sidati on Sunday warned the institutions under Moroccan law against speaking on behalf of Western Sahara people, as the occupied towns of Al-Ayun and Dakhla are bracing to welcome a European Parliament delegation.

«A European parliament delegation will pay a two-day visit to the occupied territory of Western Sahara, from Monday, for a better understanding of the situation,» Sidati said in a press statement.

«The Polisario Front welcomes the efforts that show the will to gather as much information as possible before taking any decision.»

Sidati said he wanted to recall three essential points.

«The Kingdom of Morocco, a military occupying power, under the 4th Geneva Convention, has no sovereignty over the territory (of Western Sahara)»

The authorizations they think they can give, especially to get access to the territory, are worthless under the international law and the European law,» the Saharawi diplomat said.

He added that the interlocutors, under Moroccan law, the mission will meet there cannot, hypothetically, give the latest opinion in the name of Western Sahara people.

The European Commission, to implement the EU-Morocco agreement, should have «the consent of Western Sahara people» that are sovereign, as underlined in Paragraph 106 of the ruling the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued 21 December 2016.

The Saharawi minister underlined that the territory liberated from Moroccan occupation is part of Western Sahara, home to the vast majority of Saharawi people.

«So, the European Parliament mission cannot have an accurate picture unless it also goes to the liberated Western Sahara territory, home to more than 170,000 people living in refugee camps, and who feel resentful about EU support to the military occupation of the territory,» Sidati said.

As the European Parliament, he stressed, should not be contented with partial information, the Polisario Front renew its invitation. (SPS)

a través de Moroccan institutions have no right to speak for Western Sahara people, says Sidati | Sahara Press Service

Ouverture de la 9 e session de formation annuelle des scouts sahraouis | Sahara Press Service

(Ecole paramédicale ChahId Ahmed Abdel-Fattah), 31 Août 2018 (SPS) – Les travaux de la 9 e session de  formation annuelle des scouts sahraouis ont  débuté ce mercredi à l’école paramédicale de Chahid Ahmed Abdel-Fattah, en présence des représentants des bureaux locaux des scouts et plusieurs responsables sahraouis.

Dans une allocution à l’ouverture des travaux de deux jours, le comandant général des scouts sahraouis, M.Adda Sueih a salué les positions de soutien des organisations internationales en faveur des scouts sahraouis souligné  l’importance de cette session pour former les membres de cette organisation.

Le SG de l’UJSARIO M.Mohamed Said  a exprimé  le rôle de la relation  importante du scoutisme dans cette édition lié par  le programme  de Jeunesse et Étudiants d’été 2018.

Pour sa part le ministre des territoires occupés et la diaspora M. El Bachir Mustafa Sayed  a souligné la nécessité d’inclure les militants de territoires sahraouis  occupées dans les activités de scouts dans les camps de réfugiés. (SPS).

a través de Ouverture de la 9 e session de formation annuelle des scouts sahraouis | Sahara Press Service

SA and Algeria ink 33 agreements, reaffirm support for Western Sahara | Sahara Press Service

Devdiscourse News Desk 29 Aug 2018, 05:25 PM Algeria, South Africa

International Relations and Cooperation Minister Lindiwe Sisulu and her Algerian counterpart exchanged views on the political, security and development on the African continent. (Image Credit: Twitter)

International Relations and Cooperation Minister Lindiwe Sisulu says South Africa and Algeria remain firm in their support for the independence of Western Sahara.

The Minister said this during a media briefing after bilateral talks with Abdelkader Messahel, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, who is on a working visit to South Africa.

Sisulu and her Algerian counterpart exchanged views on the political, security and development on the African continent.

“In this regard, we noted with concern the continued instability in some of our sister countries and regions. We have thus agreed to continue working together to advance peace, security, stability, unity and economic development of the continent.

“On Western Sahara, we have reaffirmed our position which is the attainment of the right for self-determination and decolonization of the Saharawi people and the rapid resolution of the conflict within the framework of international legality.

“We thus welcome the efforts of the African Union (AU) Special Envoy for Western Sahara, former President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique and the United Nations (UN) Secretary General Personal Envoy for Western Sahara Horst Kohler, aimed at mobilising the international community to implement all the AU and UN Resolutions on Western Sahara,” she said.

At the heart of the conflict, Western Sahara remains Africa’s longest-running territorial dispute and an issue of continental and international law and diplomatic controversy, having been on the decolonization agenda of the UN and AU for more than 50 years.

Morocco contends that Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, is an integral part of its kingdom, mainly driven by the expansionist ideology of the so-called “Greater Morocco”.

On the other side, the Polisario Front, which is campaigning for the territory’s independence, demands a referendum on self-determination.

The AU has maintained over the years the inalienable right of the Saharawi people to self-determination. It has called on the UN to determine a date for the holding of the self-determination referendum for the people of Western Sahara, a view that Pretoria has been vocal about.

SADC conference in support of Polisario Front

The Minister said, meanwhile, that SADC will soon host a conference in support of Polisario and the people of Western Sahara.

“We believe in their right to independence. It is their inaliable right every state has.

“We regard Western Sahara as a sovereign state and in that regard, we hosted the leader of Polisario on a state visit very recently in recognition of that status.

“We provide Polisario with the necessary financial assistance to conduct their administrative work and we have offered to host a SADC conference in support of Polisario.

“So SADC will be supporting Polisario in full, it is a resolution that we have just taken now at the SADC conference and South Africa will be hosting that conference as a measure of that continued support of Polisario and the people of Western Sahara,” she said.

SA, Algeria sign 33 agreements, MoUs

Meanwhile, Sisulu said the visit by Algeria has allowed the two countries to reaffirm their historic and strategic partnership.

She said that during their talks, the two countries were able to review their bilateral cooperation.

“We have thus noted with satisfaction the depth and extent of our cooperation as demonstrated by the existence of 33 bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding which cover a wide range of fields such as trade and industry, diplomacy, defence, energy, arts and culture, sports, science and technology, agriculture, education and health.

“While we note the 33 bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding, we have nonetheless emphasized the need that these agreements are fully implemented for the mutual benefit of our peoples.

“In our discussions, we have also emphasized the need to pay particular focus on economic cooperation, encouraging further trade and investment and strategic cooperation between our state-owned companies,” she said. (SPS)

062/SPS/ Devdiscourse

a través de SA and Algeria ink 33 agreements, reaffirm support for Western Sahara | Sahara Press Service

Algeria and South Africa reaffirm their support to Saharawi people — Sahara Press Service

Cape Town (South Africa), August 31, 2018 (SPS) – Algeria and South Africa reaffirmed their support for the cause of the Saharawi people at a press conference jointly hosted by Foreign Minister Abdelkader Messahel, and his South African counterpart, Ms. 134 palabras más

a través de Algeria and South Africa reaffirm their support to Saharawi people — Sahara Press Service

La policía marroquí impide entrar en El Aaiún a dos abogados aragoneses (prensa) — Sahara Press Service

Zaragoza, 31 de agosto de 2018(SPS)-. La policía marroquí ha impedido este jueves la entrada en El Aaiún de los abogados Ana Sebastián y Pablo Jiménez, ha informado a Efe una portavoz del Observatorio aragonés para el Sáhara Occidental, a la que pertenecen los letrados. 170 palabras más

a través de La policía marroquí impide entrar en El Aaiún a dos abogados aragoneses (prensa) — Sahara Press Service

L’Association de Protection des Prisonniers sahraouis tire la sonnette d’alarme sur l’état de santé des prisonniers politiques sahraouis — Sahara Press Service

El Aaiun(territoires sahraouis occupé), 30 Août 2018 (SPS) – L’Association pour la protection des prisonniers sahraouis dans les prisons marocaines a tiré la sonnette d’alarme sur l’état de santé des prisonniers politiques sahraouis qui croupissent dans les geôles marocains, en raison des conditions de leur détention et la poursuite des grèves de faim. Notamment la…

a través de L’Association de Protection des Prisonniers sahraouis tire la sonnette d’alarme sur l’état de santé des prisonniers politiques sahraouis — Sahara Press Service

Día Internacional de las Víctimas de Desapariciones Forzadas: CEAS-Sahara exige que la MINURSO asegure el acceso a los lugares donde existen denuncias de fosas comunes — Sahara Press Service

Madrid, 30 de agosto de 2018 (SPS) – La Coordinadora Estatal de Asociaciones Solidarias con el Sahara (CEAS-Sahara) ha exigido en un comunicado por el Día Internacional de las Víctimas de Desapariciones Forzadas que la MINURSO (Misión de las Naciones Unidas para el Referéndum en el Sáhara Occidental) asegure el acceso a los lugares donde…

a través de Día Internacional de las Víctimas de Desapariciones Forzadas: CEAS-Sahara exige que la MINURSO asegure el acceso a los lugares donde existen denuncias de fosas comunes — Sahara Press Service

Llamamiento urgente para salvar la vida de presos políticos saharauis en huelga de hambre en prisiones marroquíes | Sahara Press Service

Ait Melloul (Marruecos, 30 de agosto de 2018 (SPS) – La Liga para la Protección de los Presos Saharauis en las prisiones marroquíes ha hecho un llamamiento urgente el que alerta sobre la grave situación de salud de los presos políticos saharauis que están en huelga de hambre en cárceles marroquíes, particularmente en la prisión de Ait Melloul.

La Liga ha señalado en un comunicado que el presos político saharaui Ali Embarec Fadli (Charki) se encuentra de huelga de hambre el 01 de agosto de 2018 en la cárcel Ait Melloul 1 junto a sus compañeros Mohamed Saleh Buyemaa (Dada) y Abdelmoula Mohamed El Hafed (Al Hafidi) que ya llevan 39 días en huelga de hambre ilimitada para reclamar su traslado cerca de la residencia de sus familiares.

Los familiares de estos presos aseguran que Mohamed Saleh Buyemaa  y Abdelmoula Mohamed El Hafed viven en un estado de salud muy crítico. Mientras hay pocas informaciones sobre la situación de Mohamed Charki que vive en celda solitaria en total aislamiento.

Por lo anteriormente citado, la Liga para la Protección de los Presos Políticos Saharauis en las Cárceles Marroquíes invita a las fuerzas democráticas, los defensores de derechos humanos en el mundo a una intervención urgente para presionar a Marruecos para que  resuelva las demandas de los huelguistas y salvar sus vidas.

Por último,  la Liga para la Protección de los Presos Políticos Saharauis en las Cárceles Marroquíes responsabilizó al  Estado marroquí «de cualquier daño físico o psicológico que pueda afectar los presos políticos saharauis. » (SPS)

a través de Llamamiento urgente para salvar la vida de presos políticos saharauis en huelga de hambre en prisiones marroquíes | Sahara Press Service